Inez gets in the Merch line and ends her turn. Olivia plays next, and discards no body, no crime... a card that Inez really wants.
James and Betty both take their turns, putting discards on top of no body, no crime.
Inez starts her turn drawing no body, no crime, as well as the 2 cards on top of it. Since it wasn't the top card, she must play it this turn. Inez then announces that she is leaving the Merch line, and puts the Merch Line card into the trading pile, where it is up for grabs. Inez now plays her new card, and then completes her usual discard step.
Setlist Games celebrates music fandoms, creativity, and interpersonal fan connections without claiming ownership of the artists, their song titles, album names, logos, color palettes, or other creative elements that are used in our game designs. All rights and trademarks of such content remain with their rightful owners.
Game concept, game design, how-to-play content, original art assets and website by Doc Incredible and Setlist Games.
All Rights Reserved | Setlist Games LLC